- General information
Place of work: AUBIERE (63), France
Type of contract: Non-permanent, full time (100%)
Duration of contract: 12 months
Starting date: 1st December 2018 at the latest
Salary will depend on level of experience and will range from 2400€ to 2600€.
Level of preferred experience: PhD in atmospheric sciences
- Required research skills include:
A phD in atmospheric sciences
Good knowledge and use of Matlab programing tools
Knowledge of aerosol instrumentation including: aerosol mass spectrometry, size distributions measurement such as: ACSM, SMPS, GRIMM, MAAP, Nephelometer, Photometer, LIDAR
Familiar with and able to use Mie Code
Good written and oral communication skills (french and english) are appreciated
- Details
This engineer position is principally to develop numerical tools and algorithms for data processing software. The principal objectives are to evaluate and compare aerosol data products obtained from the CALIOP satellite with those of in-situ and remote sensing data measurements obtained from the station Cezeaux Opme Puy de Dome (CO-PDD).
Activities Learn to use and implement existing MATLAB algorithms for data processing of in-situ aerosol measurements (Aerosol mass spectrometry (ACSM), Optical particle counters (GRIMM), Size distribution measurements (SMPS), Black carbon measurements (MAAP), Aerosol optical properties (Nephelometer), as well as remote sensing measurements (photometer and lidar).
Adapt and improve algorithms from the French community to obtain the optical properties of aerosol particles measured using the multi-wavelength LIDAR COPLid.
Develop and document evaluation algorithms to evaluate optical properties obtained by CALIOP (aerosol optical thickness, color ratio) from in-situ measurements and remote sensing measurement acquired at the COPDD site.
Apply these algorithms and evaluation tools to long time series of in-situ and satellite measurements.
Document and publish research work in peer reviewed scientific journals. Present the results of this work at the annual EECLAT workshop.
Questions related to the position should be addressed to Nadège Montoux: nadege.montoux@uca.fr
Applications should be addressed to Nadège Montoux before the 30 September 2018 and should include:
A complete CV including a list of scientific publications
A letter of motivation including the main lines of the research project
Applications will be examined by a committee with a first phase of selection and then an oral examination for pre-selected candidates.
More information can be found here